Hard Reset to the Rescue!

These days, everything is controlled by software. In fact, even my DVD player’s ON/OFF button is no longer hard wired into the power supply, and needs its software to decide that I really wanted to turn the thing off. Well, many a time that software gets completely stuck, refuses to obey my command, and the only option is to pull the power plug at the back. Not a pretty sight with all the dust and cobwebs, I can tell you!

Now imagine this happening with your Raspberry Pi project, but when the mains is backed up by battery power you can no longer just ‘pull the plug’. And when your Pi is inside a nice case design, getting those batteries out is not going to be a quick and easy task.

That is why the Red Reactor has a nifty Hard Reset function built into the ON button interface, so all you have to do is wire the RUN port of the Red Reactor to the RUN port on your Pi or an SBC’s RESET pin. You can hope your software will never crash, but I think I have a better chance of winning the lottery than that. So now, a long press of that ON button sorts it all out for you, and no need to pull the plug on that pesky software!

This short video shows you how the ON button and RESET functions are integrated together for all your projects, and I hope you find it useful!

Red Reactor RUN wiring

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