Bullseye! Yep.

I’m sure some of you have taken the plunge and upgraded to the latest Raspberry Pi OS, Bullseye. Therefore we wanted to make sure that everything would work just as well as it did on Buster and earlier operating systems. We have now fully tested all our example code and applications on the 32-bit version of Bullseye, with just a couple of small updates to our software:

  • Added busnum=1 to the python INA219 class instantiation to ensure the correct I2C bus is used on a Pi4
  • Removed wiringPiI2C.h library from Pi Battery Widget to simplify installation

So, if you have previously downloaded our code examples, you can see in our GitHub readme files how to update them on your Pi. If you don’t have our Pi Battery Widget yet, what are you waiting for!

Whilst we were updating things we’ve also added a few more notes to our user manual, ready for our version 1.5 board release. This includes updates on mounting the Pi Zero, our Youtube videos and information on our new software features such as our Pi Battery Widget and Remote Monitoring Flask web application.

We noted earlier on our news pages that we are getting new production quotes as a result of better component availability, but we are still chasing down a few aspects before we can launch on Kickstarter.

Finally, if you like our articles, please continue to use the ‘like’ button on our posts – there’s been a great response from you all on that!

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